More Able
At Childwall Sports & Science Academy we believe in the importance of providing appropriate learning experiences for all students, regardless of ability.
We have a significant number of students who are more able in at least one area of the curriculum. Our planning ensures that these students are given appropriately challenging opportunities in the relevant subject area/s.
We define ‘high attaining’ as achieving the top average point scores at the end of years 7-13. These students are expected to strive to achieve the highest Attainment 8 scores.
Core values for inclusive High Attaining Student provision
High Attainers are those who will typically excel in relation to expectations for their age group, either in all subjects or just one. The High Attainers are a diverse group and their range of attainment will be varied. Some do well in statutory national curriculum tests or national qualifications; however, being a High Attainer covers much more than the ability to succeed in tests and examinations.
High Attaining Students from disadvantaged backgrounds
We aim to help students and families to overcome socio-economic and cultural barriers to attending further and higher education. We are aware that some of our High Attainers come from homes where no parent or close relative has directly experienced progression to university.
Our Teaching Principles