Free School Meals

Your child could be eligible for free school meals if you or your partner receive a qualifying benefit.

What are the qualifying benefits?

If you or your partner receive any of the following benefits you can apply.

  • Universal Credit – your household earned annual income must be less than £7,400 after tax and not including any benefits
  • Income Support
  • Income based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Income related Employment Support Allowance
  • Support under part 6 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • The guaranteed part of State Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit – with no Working Tax Credit and your annual household income is no more than £16,190, as assessed by the Inland Revenue

Before you apply

  • If you’re a foster parent you cannot apply for free school meals as you already receive funding.
  • If you already receive free school meals for a child and just want to add another child, contact us and we’ll be able to check if the additional child is eligible.
  • If you get Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support, contact us and we’ll be able to check if your child is eligible.

How to apply

Apply online for free school meals and get an instant decision.  Remember, if your child is in reception, year 1 or year 2 and you receive a qualifying benefit, make sure you apply so the school gets the extra funding.

What happens next?

We will inform your child’s school if you are eligible for free school meals.

How long will my child get free school meals?

Children eligible for free school meals before 1st April 2018 will remain eligible until 31st March 2025.

Children who become eligible during the roll-out of Universal Credit (1st April 2018 to 31st March 2025) will remain eligible until 31st March 2025, regardless of any changes to you or your partner’s income.

This applies whether you receive Universal Credit or legacy benefits.

After 31st March 2025, children who are no longer eligible will continue to receive free school meals until the end of their current phase of education, i.e. primary or secondary.

For example:

  • If your child is in year 4 in March 2025, they will receive free school meals until they finish primary school. They will not be eligible in secondary school if you and your partner’s income is more than £7,400 per year.
  • If your child is in year 9 in 2025, they will receive free school meals until they finish secondary school even if your income is more than £7,400 per year.

H​alf Term help:

YOUNGSTERS across Liverpool can take part in a programme of activities during half-terms and holidays – click here for details.

The HAF (Holiday Activities and Food) Programme activities are open to children from families receiving benefits-related free school meals. The whole programme of events is available on the MPAC website and activities need to be booked in advance by directly contacting organisers.