“We seek to ensure that all students receive a full-time education, maximising the opportunities for all to realise their true potential. All school staff will work, with students and their families, to support them in meeting their legal duty to ensure that their children achieve maximum possible attendance; and that any problems which may impede full attendance are acted upon quickly”.
Did you know?
90% attendance means that a student is missing half a day’s school a week.
95% attendance means that a student will miss two weeks of school in a year.
94.7% attendance or better gives a student a 73% chance of achieving 5 GCSEs, Grades A-C, whatever their ability.
The Local Authority will become involved where a student’s attendance falls to 90%
There are 190 school days in a year leaving 175 in which to take holiday.

Frequently Asked Questions…
PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CONTACT YOUR CHILD DIRECTLY BY TEXT OR PHONE. Students must switch off and hand over their mobile phones to a member of staff on duty before entering the school building.
For further information, please see our Attendance Policy
NHS illness guide
Penalty Notice Fines For School Attendance
Click here for new information on changes to Penalty Notice Fines in place from August 2024.
Attendance Quick Contact Numbers:
Mrs D Murphy – Attendance Officer: 0151 722 1561 (0ption 1)
Ms K Magee – Attendance Manager: 0151 722 1561 (0ption 1)
Education Welfare Officer: 0151 233 3916