

Drama is an important and fundamental practice among human beings for communication and for emotional and cultural expression. It has a significant art form that contributes to nurturing human being aesthetic sensitivity and to developing their social, intellectual, physical and mental abilities. Drama, is a unique artistic language and develops concurrently with human cultures. It enlightens are thinking and enriches our spirits and lives. As a subject it facilitates the development of the whole child and has the capacity to engage young people in education, to motivate and to foster a love of learning: developing transferrable skills such as self-discipline, resilience, creativity, confidence and team work.

Drama is studied both from a practical and theoretical perspective allowing students to gain the skills and knowledge of theatrical practitioners. This enables students not only to ‘re-enact’ but to shape their ideas with a greater understanding for style, intention, theatrical form and to learn to celebrate individual and unique perspectives.

Curriculum Intent

The drama curriculum at Childwall SSA School has been designed to be practical, engaging and challenging. It enables pupils to understand drama as a practical art form where ideas are communicated in a creative manner. Our curriculum allows for all students to access the study programme in both a practical and theoretical manner. It enables students to apply knowledge and understanding in order to create and develop drama. It will prepare learners for the study of GCSE drama as well as preparing them for the world around them. We want to embed a love of cultural experiences within our curriculum which will allow students to develop their morals, and values, through their love of learning. Drama will empower our students to deepen and widen their learning across a range of scripts, plays and theatre visits

Pupils will;

  • Develop speaking and listening skills, their ability to work in a successful ensemble, confidence, emotional empathy and leadership traits
  • Develop theatrical performance skills focusing on vocal and physical skills
  • Have the opportunity to explore a range of different theatrical styles, genres and themes and a range of scripts
  • Develop their understanding of drama explorative strategies and will be able to apply them in performances.
  • Develop their ability to analyse and evaluate performances using key terminology
  • Explore and develop the skills to debate and put forward opinions


The drama curriculum at Childwall SSA has been designed to be practical, engaging and challenging. It will enable pupils to understand drama as a practical art form where ideas are communicated in a creative manner. The curriculum is planned to include a diverse range of genres, styles, and cultures; this lends itself to the broadening of students’ knowledge and cultural capital as well as increasing engagement through practical schemes delivered in well thought out learning sequences. The assessment process itself requires objective analysis and honest reflection, encouraging students to engage in metacognitive evaluation processes. These skills and techniques have many cross-curricular benefits as well as helping students succeed in later learning and later life.

Our curriculum allows for all students to access the study programme in both a practical and theoretical manner. It will enable students to apply knowledge and understanding in order to create and develop drama. It will prepare learners for the study of GCSE drama as well as preparing them for the world around them. Over the last two years the intake at GCSE has increased by 50%.

Current learners are achieving well with the majority of each year group on or above their targets set. Departmental quality assurance illustrates work is of a good standard and participation in lessons is high. Our curriculum has been designed to ensure an inclusive approach, allowing all learners to achieve their potential.

The department demonstrates a strong commitment to extra-curricular achievement and pupils work is regularly showcased throughout the year at whole school events. There is a constant strong cohort of pupils who attend after school activities, developing their skills, widening their knowledge and promoting the powerful ethos of Drama.

Classroom expectations are high and behaviour systems in place to encourage all pupils to have the best learning experience and opportunity to use facilities and equipment available to them.

Curriculum Overview

To see an overview of the curriculum and how parents can support their child’s learning, please click here.

Learning Journey

Be Ambitious

Ambitious activities are those that take your regular curriculum further. They take the subjects you study in the classroom beyond that which your teacher has taught you or what you’ve done for home learning. For example, you may go into more depth on something you picked up in the classroom or learn about a new topic altogether. These activities are normally in the form of extra reading, but they can take many other forms, like watching videos online, downloading podcasts, attending lectures, visiting museums or entering academic competitions.

In the future, employers or universities will be interested to hear about what ambitious activities you have engaged in; they will be interested in what you have learnt and impressed by your efforts. Click here for further details