Art & Design


To deliver a curriculum that allows all learners within art to develop appropriate skills and knowledge to succeed at each key stage. Projects will be engaging and inclusive to allow our arts learners to see clear pathways within the subject both inside and outside of the classroom.

Curriculum Intent

Our intent is to ensure that Art & Design is inspiring, challenging and engaging at each key stage, building on KS2 prior knowledge and developing a confident, engaged, creative and ambitious pupil.
Enabling pupils to aspire to be the best they can be and empower them to aim higher. Developing resilience and a love of learning is crucial for personal success.
Our students are encouraged to explore the wider arts world through experiences inside and outside the classroom. Artists, gallery visits and university talks all give the pupils a sense of opportunity and pathways open to them within the art & design world of work.


Our curriculum is planned to embed artistic skills, knowledge and understanding within each year group within KS3-4-5. Our KS3 curriculum model clearly builds upon prior learning to allow clear sequencing of art skills in order for pupils to subconsciously develop key artistic knowledge within the topics/projects throughout the years. Key skills required to be successful within art & design are consistently taught and this repetition will help develop ‘sticky’ knowledge, allowing pupils to understand how to be successful within art & design prior to opting for the subject.

Routines are built within the curriculum to ensure we help to develop independent learners within the classroom. These routines will also embed the lesson structure that includes – Objective setting, peer/group assessment, WAGOLL/exemplar analysis, oracy development and creative risk.

Projects are planned to scaffold learning of artistic skills throughout the KS3 years. Sequenced lessons building on what has been taught before (regardless of teacher) to enhance knowledge and develop skills to apply this into their work throughout the key stages.

Projects will be engaging, relevant and challenging throughout, allowing pupils to understand how to create personal responses to starting points given. These personal responses will depend on individual pupil skill and areas of expertise within art. By doing this we will empower our pupils to succeed within a variety of specialisms of art & design and the working world as a whole.

Curriculum Overview

To see an overview of the curriculum and how parents can support their child’s learning, please click here.

Learning Journey

Art Learning Journey 1
Art Learning Journey 2