Exam Information


This page will provide you with the information you need in order to prepare for and take part in exams in school. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us. See below for details:

Contact Details

Exams and Data Officer – Amy Molyneux,

Email : a.molyneux@childwallssa.org

Telephone : 0151 722 1561 ext 6534

Exam Check List

  • Aim to arrive at school 15 minutes prior to an exam AT THE LATEST. It is much better to leave yourself a safety margin on timings in case of problems with the journey
  • When taking exams, bags and coats should be left where directed by the invigilators. It is recommended that valuables, including mobile phones, ipods, should NOT be brought into school when you have an exam.
  • Phones – Students must not have mobiles phones in their possession (either on or off). They must be handed in before the exam as instructed by your teachers. This is very important – if a phone is found, there is a good chance that your whole exam will be cancelled
  • You must bring black pen, pencil, rubber and any other writing equipment needed to your exams. Only clear pencil cases are allowed on your desk, any others should be left in your bag. Do not use gel pens – this is because many of the exam papers are now scanned and sent electronically for marking – gel pens do not scan well
  • In an exam where you have the use of a calculator, you are not permitted to have the lid with you either on or under your desk
  • There is absolutely no talking or communication between students once you enter the exam hall. If you have any questions, you should raise your hand once seated and an invigilator will come to you
  • School uniform must be worn for all exams.
  • No food allowed in the exam hall
  • Only Water bottles are allowed in the exam hall if necessary. These should be clear bottles with a spill-proof cap. There should be no label on the bottle.

Exam Equipment

Please ensure you bring all listed equipment to EVERY exam in a clear plastic pencil case or plastic bag.

  • 12″ ruler
  • Protractor
  • Compass
  • 3 x HB pencils
  • Pencil sharpener
  • 3 x black pens (must only be black)
  • Rubber
  • Highlighter pen
  • Coloured pencils (required for certain exams e.g. GCSE Geography)
  • An exam board approved calculator (i.e. one which does not have a databank, dictionary, text facility or contain mathematical formulae)

You must not bring in gel pens, tippex or other correcting materials.
Collection of Certificates
Summer certificates will be issued to those students in school during the month of November. Leavers can collect their certificates from school from the end of November onwards, by sending a request to the exam officer or the school admin e-mail

  • Ideally the student should collect their certificates in person
  • Certificates can also be passed onto a member of the students immediate family, (mum, dad, sister or brother), provided that the family member collecting brings some form of ID/proof of living at the same address as the student
  • If the student would like someone other than their immediate family to collect their certificates, (e.g. Grandparent or friend), then we need a signed letter from the student to state this. Please see the Exams Office for details.

Students should note that it is their responsibility to check that they have received all their certificates and that all the grades showing are correct, (particularly for students who have had grade increases following re-marks). If a student has any queries regarding their certificates, they should come to the Exams Office immediately

What to do if you are ill on the day of your Exam

  • If you are ill and are unable to attend an exam it is vital you phone the school first thing in the morning (722 1561) to inform us.
  • You must also obtain a note from your doctor detailing the reason for non-attendance.
  • If you are feeling unwell, but still able to travel, we suggest you come to the exam and we can assess the situation then. In most cases it is better to take the exam if you can.
  • If in doubt – PHONE THE SCHOOL

If you do not attend an exam without a valid reason, you will be charged for that exam.