Post 16/18 Education Opportunities
This section will support our pupils and parents to explore all Post 16 and Post 18 opportunities open to them. Whilst the legal age at which a young person can now leave education has been raised to 18 years old, this does not mean that everyone has to stay at school. Young people have many learning opportunities available and the websites below allow you to explore some of the opportunities. These options include Childwall 6th form, FE colleges and apprenticeships. During PSHE and Form time our pupils receive impartial information on all the available options through our Careers Manager and external agencies.
We encourage all our pupils to ensure they seek information on all opportunities and make informed decisions on their next steps. If you can’t find what you are looking for or feel you need guidance which options might be most suitable for you, please contact our Careers Manager and arrange a guidance meeting.
We have also included information on university and apprenticeships for Post 18 progression.
For an initial overview on the different Post 16 and Post 18 Options read this short government issued summary:

Here are some of the local post 16 providers, please visit the provider website for details on courses, Open Events and application details:
Training Providers:
Other Training Providers are available, please contact for details.
University and Admissions Service
Not in Education, Employment or Training:
Liverpool Local Authority works with Career Connect to support young people who are currently not engaged in education. You can contact them for support by phone: 0151 378 2336 or email:
Careers at Childwall regularly shares information on Open Events, apprenticeship, work experience and volunteering opportunities via our school website and Twitter account.
Further Education Colleges:
6th form Colleges:
For school 6th forms visit the local authority directory to identify schools with 6th forms in your local area.