Employer and Alumni
We are very keen to engage with businesses and employers to help us inform and educate students about the local and national employment opportunities.
We provide many opportunities for businesses to interact with students: Careers days, Career Carousels, Employability Skills workshops, Careers Fairs, presentations, work experience, small group work, Networking events, Mock Interviews etc. For an overview of the different events and ways you can get involved please click here.
If you would like to get involved, or wish to advertise any apprenticeship vacancies through the school and 6th form, please contact the Careers Manager via email: careers@childwallssa.org
Many of our ex-students are contributing to a variety of careers, personal development and academic activities across the school. Our Alumni have been involved in our Careers Fair, Business Insight meetings and brought our lessons to live by showing pupils the application of academic content in the real world. For ideas on what our employer and alumni community have supported us with in the past please see above. If you would like to support our current students and become part of our Alumni network please contact our Careers Manager: careers@childwallssa.org