Personal Development


Personal Development is a key element of the whole school curriculum at Childwall Sports and Science Academy. It prepares students for life in Modern Britain. Personal Development is embedded well within the ethos of the Academy and continues to develop in line with local, national and global changes to our society and the environment in which we live and learn.

The Personal Development programme is delivered through assemblies, form time, PSHE and RE lessons co-curricular programme and through curriculum content.

The Academy works to enhance student’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. The programme supports the development of resilience, independence, cultural capital and character and we aim to ensure our students become valuable and fully-rounded members of society able to treat others with respect and acceptance, regardless of background, religion, sexuality, gender or race.

We aim to promote the basic British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and acceptance for those of different faiths and beliefs. We ensure our young people understand the importance of respect, equality, diversity, leave school fully prepared for life in modern Britain and can make a positive contribution to society. Our careers programme helps prepare students for future success in education, employment and training.

Personal Development is facilitated by the use of the following systems, processes and partnerships at CSSA:

  • A robust assembly and form time programmed linked to our Engage, Enable and Empower mission statement, British Values and UNICEF Rights Respect in Schools. This gives students the opportunity to reflect, discuss, debate and explore SMSC concepts, themes and values.
  • The Academy achieved UNICEF Rights Respect in Schools award level One. We are currently working towards achieving our gold award.
  • We have strong partnerships with outside organisations who deliver workshops and assemblies on a variety of SMSC and PSHE themes. These compliment our PSHE curriculum .
  • Tackling bullying, aggression, discrimination and derogatory language through assemblies, form time and partnerships with outside organisations such as Diversity Role Models, Stonewall, Armistead Foundation, Anthony Walker Foundation and EMTAS. The academy works hard to promote equality and diversity. Student voice states this is a strength. We have also designed and implemented a set of form time activities in order for students to understand what these terms mean, and they can discuss and articulate their views.
  • There is a full PSHE and RE curriculum supported by outside organisations and quality assured by Liverpool School Improvement and the Academies School Improvement Officer. It is currently being updated by the new Personal Development Lead. This includes looking at world religions, age-appropriate sex and relationship education, Peer on Peer and consent, mental and physical health and how to keep safe .We have listened to student voice and religious festivals are now included into assemblies, RE curriculum and form time activities. We have mapped the learning journey which also includes health education.
  • We have audited SMSC and British Values opportunities within our curriculum areas. The majority of programmes of study have SMSC strands running through them. This has been planned whilst reviewing and enriching the curriculum offer in each subject and we conducted a full SMSC and Health curriculum audit in January 2021.Working alongside outside agencies and supported by full staff CPD/INSET on SMSC. They are also part of all assemblies and form time activities in order to make sure important messages are repeated to the whole Childwall community.
  • Our close working partnerships with cultural organisations such as National Museums Liverpool, Handstand Film Company and the local artists to deliver a strong cultural offer for our school community. These partnerships give all students access to the excellent Cultural Capital opportunities we have within Liverpool.
  • The ‘World in One School’ festival that gives all students the chance to work alongside performers, musicians, artists and designers in order to recognise and extend their own interests and strengths whilst raising their aspirations. This runs alongside Childwall Community Radio Station and a number of careers events.
  • An extensive co-curricular programme that is inclusive to all students giving them opportunities to experience activities that may not always be available in the traditional curriculum. This was put together after we conducted a student voice to find out what they wanted the co-curricular offer to be.
  • Duke of Edinburgh Award, Bronze to Gold – developing character, confidence, resilience and independence is ongoing.
  • Student Leadership at the Academy gives students the opportunity to contribute to society, the academy and local community and becoming active confident citizens.
  • Charity fundraising led by both staff and students.
  • A careers programme delivered through our full-time careers officer, form time, PSHE and outside providers. This prepares students for future success in education, employment and training. This has been strengthened by the introduction of a scaffolded set of form time activities in place for all year groups around careers and employability.
  • A partnership with Everton in the Community that supports students through various activities such as enterprise, careers days and community payback. Everton are still supporting some of our students one to one.
  • Pastoral support from a dedicated well-trained team of staff that has been strengthened through new appointments of two Pastoral Support Officers. The team has been strengthened since the last inspection with these appointments and the Student Support Officer.
  • Pastoral/ SEND CPDL has been planned and delivered.
  • Counselling for students both individually and in groups in order to support positive mental health. Stress management and mental wellbeing is also part of form time and the PSHE programme.
  • We have a Mental Health policy and a Pastoral Mental Health Lead to support the wellbeing of young people at CSSA and build resilience. We have completed a Mental Health Audit and are working towards gaining Mental Health and Well-Being Promotion in Learning and Care Setting Bronze Award by November 2021. This is being supported by Dr Dan Small, our Educational Psychologist. 15 staff have achieved the Mental Health First Aid Certificate in July 2021.
  • A yoga and mindfulness programme is offered to targeted students and Pastoral staff work either one to one or with small cohorts in order to support students wellbeing.

Please click on the links below for further information about how we deliver our Personal Development, SMSC, Careers and Health & Wellbeing programmes across the year groups and throughout the academic year.