Keep up to date with our latest news and events:
Year 9 Careers Day
Year 9 Careers Day In January, Childwall Sports and Science Academy held an Explore Your Future day. All Year 9 students networked with professionals from various sectors to find out more about career options[...]
Childwall Goes Plastic Free
Childwall Goes Plastic Free Childwall Sports and Science Academy Canteens have gone plastic free thanks to a new project involving students, catering staff, school leadership and the estates department.Last September, Childwall Academy Headteacher Ms. Vincent met[...]
World in One School
World in One School Childwall Sports and Science Academy's World In One School festival was a huge success last year.Watch the video below to see our event highlights, which all focussed on the theme of belonging. [...]
Sixth Form Open Evening
Sixth Form Open Evening Childwall Sports and Science Academy Sixth Form open evening is taking place on Thursday 16th November 2023 from 5.30 - 7.30pm.Please come along to see our facilities, meet our staff and students[...]
Open Events
Open Events Our open events will take place on Thursday 22nd September, 4.30 - 7.30pm and Saturday 14th October from 10am-12pmNo need to pre-book.Tour our school, meet our teaching staff, hear from our headteacher and find[...]
Culture Day a huge success
Culture Day a huge success On 28 April 2023, Childwall Academy hosted a successful Culture Day to celebrate the huge diversity across the school community. Students come from 46 nationalities and speak 63 languages so enjoyed[...]
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