Health & Social Care


BTEC Tech Award and BTEC Nationals are recognised as contemporary vocational qualifications designed to provide learners with the knowledge and skills they need to enter a career in the health and social care sector. They are highly valued by employers and the NHS as a strong foundation for degree courses and apprenticeships. Knowledge and skills are linked through the curriculum which has been devised by Pearson, employers and universities. The intent is to prepare learners for the world of work and particularly, opportunities within a major sector of employment in their local area.

Curriculum Intent

We aim to provide a broad introduction to the health and social care sector giving learners transferable knowledge and skills in addition to an awareness and appreciation of the diversity of potential employment opportunities and career paths available within this sector.


Curriculum: The BTEC health and social curriculum is structured into components (KS4)/units (KS5) and external exams. Knowledge, understanding and skills acquired throughout the delivery of components/units is directly applied in synoptic exams at the end of each two-year course.

Pedagogical approach: A range of teaching techniques are used to support the nurture of independent learning and raise the expectations and self-belief in all of our learners. Contemporary case studies and issues are introduced and threaded throughout the courses to maximise understanding. Assignment briefs are written by assessors with relevancy and tailored to the needs of the learners to promote engagement. Consistent feedback is an essential factor in learner success.

Classroom practice:
  • Lessons are delivered as a continuum based upon the key theme of PIES development (Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, Social)
  • Solid progression from Pass – Merit – Distinction is facilitated throughout all learning aims within each component at both KS4 and KS5
  • Effective questioning promoting discussion is key to independent, applied learning
  • Research-based and personalised learning are integral to learners’ attainment
Assessment through relevant role-play and presentations enhances potential and attainment whilst also developing oracy skills and self-confidence in every learner.

Curriculum Overview

To see an overview of the curriculum and how parents can support their child’s learning, please click here.

Learning Journey

Health and Social Learning Journey