Important Information
SEND Policy
Autism Information Guide for Staff
Autism Initiatives – OSSME
Useful websites
Our SENCO is Ms E Wylie
All emails should be sent to:
These emails are sent to the whole SEND team and will be picked up more quickly than sending to individual members of staff. We aim to respond within 48 hours.

SEND Information Report
Our Commitment
- To recognise and understand the specific needs of our students and ensure they are part of our school community
- To enable each student to reach their potential: ‘Learning Without Limits’
- To provide a positive environment where students are happy and engaged in learning and the life of the school
Categories of Special Educational Needs
We have four categories of need:
- Communication and Interaction
- Cognition and Learning
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties
- Sensory and/or Physical Needs
At Childwall, students are identified as having a special educational need based on one or more of the above categories. Each student is seen as an individual, as are their specific needs, which may involve additional support, interventions and a differentiated approach.
If your child has an additional need, they will be placed on the Special Educational Needs Register and will be classed under the category of SEN Support.
If your child has an Education Health Care Plan, they will be added to the Special Educational Needs register and will be placed under the category of Education Health Care Plan.
Our SEND Policy is based on the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice, 2015 and this has helped us set out the procedures that all organisations need to follow in order to meet the needs of children.
Support for ASD
ASD Team – Virtual Coffee Morning
ASD Team – Virtual Drop in Sessions
Our SENCO is Ms E Wylie
All emails should be sent to: