School Synergy
We are moving to School Synergy as a way of communicating with our parents and carers. This will enable you to be see your child’s behaviour and attitude to learning on a lesson-by-lesson basis and monitor their attendance, as well as receiving news, event details and letters, all via our School Synergy parent portal:
To see the attitude to learning (ATL) in each lesson, please see this guide: How to find your child’s ATL on Synergy
If you do not yet have your individual codes for your child’s account, please email
If you have your code and have not yet set up your account, see the step-by-step guide below. If you have any further queries, please contact the main office on 0151 722 1561 or email with the subject header ‘Synergy portal’.
The School Synergy Parent apps are now available to download from Google Play Store or Apple app store.